
Service catalogue and request catalogue

It is hard to believe that confusion between service catalogue and request catalogue is still a thing but it is, as shown by a recent conversation on Facebook Back2ITSM.

#SMFlashbook My top tip for building a service catalogue

This post is part of a worldwide flashbook or flashblog, where many contributors simultaneously publish on the topic of "My top tip for building a service catalogue".

Here is my contribution to it:

Know the difference between service catalogue and request catalogue
(Join me for a twitterchat and webinar on service catalogues)

Book review: Defining IT Success Through The Service Catalog, and some other catalogue books

I like Defining IT Success Through The Service Catalog. I use it.

Service catalogue and service request catalogue

Both service catalogue and service request catalogue matter - the order in which you address them and the relative priority you give them depends on the circumstances. Don't fall for the hype around service request catalogue right now. Click to tweet this.

A menu is not a service catalogue

A menu is not a service catalogue. Please can we desist with this awful analogy. It makes people think automated service requests is an "actionable service catalogue". It's not. It's an actionable request catalogue.

Service Catalogue in a nutshell

A reader asked for advice on Service Catalogue. Here's my "Service Catalogue in a nutshell":

ITIL 2011 persists with the dangerous concept of supporting services

Not only has ITIL V3.1 2011 not fixed the problems with business-vs-technical services, they have gone the wrong way and reinforced the problem. I will fight to the death to say there is no such thing as internal supporting "services", because I care about ITSM.

sample Business Service Catalogues are generally hideous

Why are so many sample Business Service Catalogues so hideously boring? - dull and analytical. They should be written by marketing people: they should be brochures. Bright and colourful, creating a positive impression, selling the benefits.

Catalogue yourselves as an Information Service Provider

If your service catalogue says you provide application "hosting", your IT department is committing organisational suicide. You need to be an Information Service Provider.

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