
New Ways Of Managing

I'm now convinced that transformation to Agile isn't about new ways of working, it's about New Ways Of Managing™.
Change the governance, policy, KPIs, system, products, services, and people development. The culture and work will change.
This is the IT Skeptic's Big idea for 2018.

Just enough documentation of practices

Let the people doing the work design the work. Stop patronising knowledge work professionals.

Velocity through quality

ImageThe fundamental axiom of New Ways Of Working And Managing (NWOWAM, pronounced "wow, man!")is "Velocity Through Quality".

Overcoming the dysfunctions of IT project management

I've had fun on twitter since I tweeted The 20 dysfunctions of IT Project Management and said that it comes from my presentation "Project Management is the worst thing ever to happen to IT".

The oxymoron of agile project management

Talk of "agile project management" is just lipstick on a pig. Project management is the worst thing thatever happened to IT. It's time for it to back out quietly.

CIO magazine - who ought to know better - came up with this bizarre statement:

Mincing money: the boundary between Agile and project funding

There is a boundary problem where the "Product not Project" structure of standing teams and streams of work meets the Project/business-case structure of programme/portfolio management and financial governance.

At that boundary, management needs to create white space to stop the two models clashing, and to mince up the money, turning big project gobs into steady team streams.

Ten agile principles that screw up conventional project management

I've been blogging about how we need to shed traditional project management ways of working.

Here are ten Agile principles that sit badly with conventional project management methodology:
1. no known defects, prioritise defects over new
2. product not project
3. bring the work to the teams, stop disbanding and reforming teams

What does going fast mean?

What does it mean to go fast?

Tim Ottinger has a great discussion on this Twitter thread: beware of fast meaning hasty.

    People say that "agile" isn't about speed. @JoshuaKerievsky calls out that "moving with easy grace" isn't slow. Maybe ppl can say "agile isn't about doing hurried work" instead?

New Ways of Working: Agile, Devops; do you get it?

Nothing is new and everything is new.
There is a change sweeping through our industry the like of which we have never seen before. Do you get it?

If you're treating your colleagues and clients as empowered adults who know more than you do about how to do the work...

Lessons the world took from ITIL

ITIL aspires to be customer-centric. If only the reality matched the aspiration. If only the main lesson people took away from ITIL was customer value. In practice I think the world takes away quite different lessons.

Here is a bunch of awful fallacies that the world actually took from ITIL:

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