
A little something as a thank-you for registered readers of this blog

This is a little something for all those who have registered for the IT Skeptic website. If you are not logged in you can't read it. Sorry.

(You can sign in here . And if you just logged in, try refreshing the page, or come back in half an hour when the cache has flushed.)

itSMF International purchases the IT Skeptic website

Two Hills Ltd and itSMF International are pleased to announce that, following the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations, itSMF International has purchased the domain, content, copyright and brand of the IT Skeptic website at and the following books: Owning ITIL and The IT Skeptic looks at CMDB.

An outage on the IT Skeptic website and why technology hates me

I hate technology. Really. I work with it every day, but I feel about it the same way that sanitation workers feel about their medium (or the way I HOPE they feel about it). I use technology when I have to, to do what I want to do. But I hate it. And it knows it and it hates me back. Take for example the weekend's outage on this blog.

The IT Skeptic at work

It's a tough life being a consultant. Here is a peek behind the scenes at the IT Skeptic working on IT governance research in one of the corporate breakout areas on the Two Hills headquarters campus:

IT Skeptic runner-up in ComputerWeekly blog awards

Thankyou to everyone who voted for me in the ComputerWeekly blog awards: I came runner up! Not bad for an un-certified ex-vendor living 12,000 miles away in a tiny village in a tiny country - the internet is just awesome. Congratulations to Alim Ozcan on winning the category.

Christmas is coming

The malls are pumping out carols-muzak, my social diary is filling, the spring winds are howling through Pukerua Bay, a pile of blank greeting cards stares accusingly at me, my son drops hints about electric guitars. Yup, Christmas is coming. Buy something to support the IT Skeptic.


Dear users,
the email subscription engine on this site has caused much grief over the years. Effrective 31st November we'll be turning it off unless there is much protest from the users - you guys. Anybody desperately need it? The RSS feeds provide an alternate mechanism for new content and/or comments
this won't affect newsletters

The average blog has 100 readers

Back in February I said (in response to that truly stupid book Cult of the Amateur) "the average blog will have about four readers". It is coming true.

Carpe diem

I've issued plenty of warnings about the recession, about how it may well be gathering momentum rather than all over. And I am still very cautious. But perhaps I've been too cautious. In fact maybe this recession has got me into a funk. I've found myself saying no to much interesting stuff. The main reason for adopting this lifestyle was life's fickle nature: I need to get back to a bit more carpe diem - sieze the day.

Recommended links

Here are some links that may be of use or interest to readers. [Updated 24/5/2010]

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