The IT Infrastructure Library

Someone should tell the OGC and TSO bookshops about the ITIL Refresh

At OGC's website the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, while at TSO neither hand has any idea. The IT Skeptic seeks in vain for somewhere to pre-order the ITIL Version 3 books.

An apology to the OGC, the itSMF and the ITIL community from the IT Skeptic

I got my facts wrong. Without prior feedback or pressure from anyone, I would like to apologise to OGC, the itSMF and others involved in the ITIL Version 3 Refresh for the imputation that there was no public consultation prior to the authoring of the ITIL Version 3 books.

When you don't run IT - The IT Skeptic

4:54 minutes (1.97 MB)

This is a podcast of the original article: "When you don't run IT as a business, the inevitable results: bad business decisions".

The key to living without CMDB - The IT Skeptic

4:36 minutes (4.21 MB)

A podcast of the original article: The key to living without CMDB is process maturity level

Yes you can do without CMDB, so long as you are aiming at not too high a maturity level, say 3. The trick is to remember that you don't adopt a process, you improve it. If we aspire to a moderate level of maturity, then yes we can do without a CMDB. Plenty of people do.

BMC, CA, Fujitsu, HP, IBM and Microsoft promise to play nicely over ITIL CMDB. Yeah, right!

For a revised and expanded version of this article see ITSMWatch.

The major operations software vendors have finally released a white paper describing how they plan to cooperate on ITIL CMDB. Don't hold your breath waiting for anything to come of it.

The Emperor Still Has No Clothes: no evidence for ITIL

We still call ITIL "best" and we still put up business cases for millions of dollars to implement it, yet there has never been any empirical scientific research to show that ITIL does better than, say, astrology as a framework for IT processes.

"The Emperor has no clothes. Where is the evidence for ITIL?" is the second-most-viewed entry on this blog. Now an updated and revised version has been published as an ITSM Watch article.

CMDB can't be done, no-how - The IT Skeptic

9:14 minutes (8 MB)

A podcast of the original article ITIL's CMDB can't be done, no-how

Continuing our discussion of CMDB, let me reinforce two points: ITIL's CMDB can't be done, no-howLet me reinforce two points please: (1) CMDB can't be done because of the data and regardless of the implementation and (2) I'm talking about CMDB as specified by the ITIL books, not any old database. It can't be done."

Beware analyst white papers - The IT Skeptic

9:48 minutes (8 MB)

A podcast of the original article from the IT Skeptic: The software analyst industry needs a code of practice.

In my country, the broadcast industry and the advertising industry both adhere to a voluntary code of practice to police the more extreme behaviours of their members.

We have a date for publication of the ITIL Refresh

According to both itSMF and APMG, TSO have announced that the five core publications that together comprise Version 3 will publish on 30th May 2007.

ITIL reform needed: not letting the money changers and hookers into the temple, just some sort of protestant reformation

The latest ITIL Refresh newsletter reveals that OGC sees keeping the community informed as the same thing as keeping the community involved. This is an elitist patronising attitude so typical of British government in general and OGC in particular. It is time ITIL went from a closed to an open community.

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