The word all consultants and writers should avoid: "must"

I am trying to drive a word out of my vocabulary: "must".

How often do you see an article or report that provides advice by saying
"To implement ITIL successfully, then, you must address all three components of the ..."
"Those new to ITIL must establish specific goals for ..."
"Each organization choosing to implement ITIL must decide which processes..."
"Senior executives must lead the transition by ..."
"...impact and interdependencies across the ITIL framework must be clearly defined ..."

Perhaps if you have done a detailed analysis of a clients organisation you can say 'must' but in general it smacks of formulaic approach and pedagogy. Berating people, beat them about the head with dogma. You MUST.

It gets my back up. There are always options, there are always shades of grey. You don't know all the details of my situation. What "must" often means is "ideally", but "must" presents it as a law of physics. The business world does not work that way. Politics, pragmatism, resource constraints... many factors take us away from the ideal. Don't give me orders - we'll see what we can do ok? As Yoda might have said: "Can. Cannot. There is no must".

So now you can have fun by quoting back at me all the instances of me using "must". I said I'm trying to drive it out, not that I have succeeded.


perhaps wise advice?

At this time I conceive that others may wish to consider your recommendation.

Cary King
Minerva Enterprises
Managing Partner

You are wrong

They must consider his recommendation! ;-)

I MUST disagree with

I MUST disagree with you...

Any process implementation MUST include an R&R clear definition, regardless of your situation. It will simply not work without that.

Just to have some fun by quoting you back using "must" :-))))))

Must there is not

And also remember the word "but" especially when used to answer to someone often means "not at all" or "I don't believe you". Example:
"You are rigt, but here it does not work that way"
"ITIL documentation is allways correct, but ..." (insert a BOKKE of your own choice)


counter arguement

But if I tried to eliminate "but" just about every paragraph I write would fall in half. But I guess you are right. However on the other hand alternately there are other ways of achieving the same effect. So I'll look into it but I still like "but".

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