Services from the IT Skeptic

If you think my own special approach would be useful to you, then the IT Skeptic offers the following services:

  • Written content: articles, chapters or essays for books, white papers... Any content in the IT Skeptic's characteristic irreverend and bombastic style.
  • Public speaking. Forty suggested topics here!
    N.B. modern video technologies make an electronic appearance possible. It is a novel and exciting addition to a conference or seminar to have a virtual appearance by the IT Skeptic.
  • Talk to the IT Skeptic. Micro-consult with us: tap Rob's insight, ideas, and experience from anywhere in the world for a group discussion using professional internet-based video facilities or VOIP.
  • IT consulting: proposal reviews, project reviews, editing requirements (for services or products)... Any services that can be performed remotely. The IT Skeptic is a long way from 98% of this blog's readers, but these services can be performed offsite. Bring a cold skeptical eye to bear on what is on your desk. If you really need the IT Skeptic onsite, that too can be arranged.

To discuss business, contact the IT Skeptic in the first instance. More information can be found at the Two Hills website.

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