The IT Infrastructure Library

ITIL Version 3 London launch event announced: the IT Skeptic comments

Man, news gets old fast. I've just finished giving itSMF heat for lack of an announcement and then today we get this: itSMF Version 3 will be launched June 5 in London. The interesting aspects of the announcement are....

The PIllars of ITIL: time for OGC's ITIL to grow up or wither

In the early days ITIL was a casual thing: a loose collection of books from a loose collection of experts. Now it is a billion (I guess) dollar industry affecting millions of people. Publishing a few books is not enough any more.

Are Microsoft patenting CMDB? - The IT Skeptic

7:06 minutes (2.85 MB)

A recent patent application appears to indicate that Microsoft is applying to patent CMDB. This issue is not attracting the outrage that it ought to.

The ITIL version 3 Refresh Launch Roadshow: the world waits with bated breath....

Something is afoot with the ITIL Refresh. Here we are two months out from worldwide launch in seven countries, and what have we heard about plans for the events? Strange hints as to who is paying for and organising the whole thing mean the IT Skeptic smells a rat.

Microsoft are more avaricious than the Fat ITSM Four, by a nose

A recent comment (reposted for your convenience) in response to my item about Microsoft trying to patent CMDB, said

Microsoft is worse than ITIL?
The Vendor and British ITIL cabal are busy redefining their closed, theoretical "framework" to include everything under the sun. And, they seem to be doing it for the express purpose of advancing the vendors sales performance.

IBM wrote ITIL. In fact Alasdair Meldrum did

Just when I say that all the hype is in CMDB and that ITIL in general is ticking along fairly soberly, along comes someone to prove me wrong. Two people actually: someone hyping their own significance; and what passes for a journalist on the web these days uncritically lapping it up.

Irrational exuberance in the IT industry: CMDB is going nuts

Everybody is piling into the CMDB frenzy now, including dodgy journos and madly re-inventing software companies... and this blog. ITIL may not be a fad but the IT Skeptic thinks CMDB now is one.

CIO Asia magazine criticises the IT Skeptic's comments

Looks like I'll never work in Asia again :-) I've taken some flak in CIO Asia magazine regarding views expressed on a Datamation forum.

advice for purchasers of ITIL - the IT Skeptic

14:10 minutes (5.68 MB)

A podcast of the original article "Should you do ITIL certification training with ITIL version 3 looming?"

Somebody help me: what is the point of standalone CMDB tools?

Can somebody please explain how a stand-alone CMDB supports Incident and Problem and Change management if it is not integral to the Service Desk. How do incidents and changes get linked to a CI?

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