
Dark IT

Dark IT is a more specific term than "Shadow IT" and self-explanatory. Dark IT is a threat to corporate interests for which the IT department is accountable. But the IT department can't do a damned thing about Dark IT in the absence of effective enterprise governance of IT (EGIT).

That's the issue we need to solve before we can address Dark IT.

How to deal with Shadow IT

The issue arises when a business unit decides that they are exempt from organisational IT policy; that they have a right to act in the interests of their business unit rather than the enterprise as a whole; that they have no accountability to a central It function. When this happens, it is an indicator of a total failure of corporate governance, a dereliction of duty by the governors of the organisation. Shadow IT is ungoverned IT.

The real Shadow IT is not about personal computing

There seems to be a wide-spread misapprehension that Shadow IT is exemplified by BYOD, that staff bringing their own personal devices is somehow making a big hole in IT's control of core information processing.

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